Radar systems

Micran’s knowledge and experience allows to develop and create radar equipment, which you can rely on. We conduct thorough product testing before our equipment is installed. The company’s portfolio includes both separate radio navigation stations and security surveillance systems.

  • Radar for early detection, automatic search and tracking purposes.
    • 1

      Over 20 km2, 360° per 2.5 Seconds Surveillance Area Scanning

      The radar sensor provides a primary area scanning, automatic target detection and tracking. Applying the data of the radar sensor, the system provides a precise optical and thermal camera directing, which is focused on the target for threat identification.

    • 2

      High Range and Bearing Discrimination

      The high resolution capability of the radar sensor provides an accurate image of surveillance area with 1.5 m range and 1° azimuth angle resolution.

    • 3

      Low CAPEX

      The automatic performance of the radar sensor and specialized software helps you to reduce your expenses for high-end video equipment, installation, motion sensors, displays and service personal.

    • 4

      Works in All Weather Conditions 24/7

      The specific of radio wave propagation allows the radio sensor to operate perfectly in all weather conditions. The high tech hardware provides a Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) of 20 000 hours.

    • 5

      Environment Security

      Due to its low output power (max 1 W) the radar), the radar is safe for humans and the environment (according to the ICNIRP safety criteria).

    • Display

    • Display param

      display value

    • Sensor

    • Sensor param

      sensor value

    Frequency range
  • High-frequency radiolocation stations MRS provide a primary area scanning, automatic target detection and tracking.
    • 1

      More efficient Closed-Circuit Television System (CCTV)

      The automatic performance of the radar sensor and specialized software helps you to reduce your expenses for high-end video equipment, installation, motion sensors, displays and service personal.

    • 2

      Surveillance Area Scanning

      Radiolocation stations provide continuous and automatic surveillance area scanning over 19 km2. They are also capable of multiple target detection and tracking in all weather conditions 24/7— night time, rain, fog, etc.

    • 3

      New possibilities for security systems

      Coordinates and geo-referenced information, received from a radar, allow to identify security zones, set priorities and adjust working conditions to different scenarios.

    • 4

      Highly Accurate Target Detection

      The high resolution capability of the radar sensor provides an accurate image of surveillance area with maximum 1.5 m range, giving extremely accurate data about detected threats.

    • 5

      Environment Security

      Due to its low output power (max 1 W) the radar), the radar is safe for humans and the environment (according to the ICNIRP safety criteria).

    • 6

      High-quality maintenance service

      Thanks to more than 25 years of experience and expertise in the market, Micran provides a complete customer support, including urgent maintenance, repair or replacement of equipment.

    • 1


    • 2


    • 3

      Fuel and energy complex enterprises

    • 4


    • 5

      Gas and oil pipes

    • 6

      Coastal observation stations

    • 7

      Critical infrastructures

    Frequency range
  • Experienced captains know the value of good equipment. You can be one of them!
    • 1

      High surveillance accuracy

      Blind spot eliminating feature and high 3m range allows to obtain full and complete navigation data.The 22’’ Full HD display provides a high definition image and guarantees user-friendly experience.

    • 2

      Compatibility with other devices

      The NMEA port can be directly connected with such devices as compasses, echo sounders, GPS, Automated Identification Systems (AIS), air meters or speed logs.

    • 3


      It is now much easier to choose a safe route and follow it — get a vessel tracking number, save it, tag coordinates and share the data with your colleagues! (available only upon GPS function).

    • 4

      Environment Security

      Thanks to low output power (max 1 W) the radar is safe for people and the environment.

    • 5

      Low maintenance costs

      In comparison to traditional pulse radars, radio navigation system REKA operates without magnetron, which requires a regular replacement. This helps considerably reduce maintenance costs and provides a Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) of over 20 000 hours.

    • Full HD дисплей

    • Сенсорный экран

    • Переключение режима день/ночь

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