Pulse modulators MI1 series

Wide bandwidth: 10 MHz to 20 GHz

Strong power suppression during pausing ≥ 70 dB

Time of pulse envelope front/tail <10 ns

5 V TTL signals management

Several coaxial tracts operation support

Both modulator ports are bidirectional (in/out)


Анализатор цепей скалярный, 0,01…4 ГГц с опцией «01P»

MI series modulators are used for pulse modulation of continuous harmonic signals. This devices are used in various measuring benches and systems. For example, as external pulse modulator for R2M and R4M scalar and vector network analyzers operating in pulse measurement mode, and G7M frequency synthesizers. Several versions of MI1 pulse modulators are available with different connector types. In addition, MI1 modulators are supplied with power adapter and 1.2 m BNC cable (male-male) for the the mod-


Pulse modulators MI1 series
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