Radar security system FishGUARD

Remote support

2 years warranty

Customization and training


Анализатор цепей скалярный, 0,01…4 ГГц с опцией «01P»

FishGUARD is a radar system for remote monitoring of commercial fish farms. The system is able to control an area of more than 15 km2, simultaneously recognizing mul - tiple targets under any conditions.

How FishGUARD works

The basic purpose of the FishGUARD is to detect intruders before they enter the facility. When the system defines unauthorized entry, it informs an operator by aural alarm about the proximity of the hazard. For visual confirmation the system automatically directs the thermal and video equipment to the target for its identification.

After receiving the image, the operator makes a decision on the localization of the object (to dispatch a rapid response team or use additional tools such as guided searchlight, audible warning systems, etc.).



The system in fully compatible with thermal and video cameras, notification systems


Detection range

up to 3500 m — hovercraft  
up to 2200 m — boat/snow mobile  
up to 500 m — swimmer


Embedded intelligence

The system management is automatic and eliminates human errors



The cost of the system doesn't exceed 5% of one fish cage


All-weather capability

The physical properties of radio waves provide 24/7 monitoring despite all the weather conditions



The radar is absolutely safe for people and the enviromental because of low radiaton (up to 1 W) that equals two smartphones


Catalog FishGUARD